My Entrepreneurial Journey: From Obligation to Inspiration

What it takes to live life on your own terms and build a thriving business by dropping all obligations and creating from pure inspiration

Published on December 21, 2023

Since starting my coaching business I’ve changed many costumes, but I’ve never stripped as naked as I’m about to in this article.

The journey I'm sharing below recounts the unconscious traps I found myself in, and the ways in which I broke through to the next level (and what you can learn from it, too).

So here is how it all started...

Back in October 2019 I decided to leave my purposeless corporate career as a project manager and become my own boss to pursue my passion for transforming people’s inner and outer realities. In that moment, I committed to NOT having a plan B, aka - making it happen no matter what, so that I don’t ever have to work for anyone else.

I was excited to help people seeking a better, happier, and more fulfilling life. I couldn't wait to support them in building fantastic relationships, thriving businesses, and having miraculous experiences within and without. I was ready to lead by example. My soul screamed for more and better, and I was eager to prove to myself and others that it is possible to live life on one’s own terms despite any odds.

Without having a clue where to even begin and how coaches make a sustainable living, without having any role models of successful entrepreneurs in my environment, I firmly decided to go above and beyond to manifest the life of my dreams.

For a while, I kept fumbling around to make it “work”. As we know, life is not always as straightforward as we think - I made more mistakes in those few years than I had in my entire life prior to this career shift. That’s exactly what we’ll talk about next.

Entrepreneurship as a Spiritual Journey

Despite feeling lost and confused, I kept on taking messy action and managed to quickly replace the full time corporate income with my coaching business and never looked back. This achievement propelled me further in my conviction that EVERYTHING I wanted was possible and available for me.

I loved working with my amazing clients and helping them build the lives they desired by opening their minds and hearts to something far bigger than themselves. I knew I had a gift of dissecting complex webs of human minds and relationships - which I did. I knew I had lots of wisdom and deep insights to share - which I did. I knew I was meant to change lives - which I did.

And yet, to a large extent, I didn’t really know what I was doing. I didn’t know how to run a successful and sustainable business on my own terms without succumbing to the allure of seemingly magical marketing tricks and the many 'shoulds' subtly ingrained in my mind by the conventional business world.

In any case, I was proud - my brand looked successful on the surface with a growing and thriving audience and powerful testimonials from clients. And yet, behind the scenes I was suffering - frustration, doubt, and fear were leading the show 80% of the time. I was worried whether I’ll ever manage to build a stable business with a solid foundation aligned with what I truly desire.

This crazy entrepreneurial rollercoaster ride was what I now consider a deep spiritual journey of awakening, recalibration, and alignment to my soul. And this was just the beginning.

Am I Worthy? Really?

Not knowing how to "properly" run a business led me to a stagnation phase. I hit the ceiling - I was making the exact same income for a couple of years with wildly unpredictable spikes and deep lows on a month-to-month basis.

Despite doing what all marketeers preach, I was just not going beyond the ceiling even though I desired more impact, more clients, more people to live better lives. I did have great intentions and excellent skills after all and I thought this was supposed to be enough to uplevel. Boy oh boy I was wrong.

That's when I realized that the root cause of constantly hitting the ceiling had nothing to do with what I wanted or what I was “doing” wrong on the 3D level. It had everything to do with what I needed deep within - clearing out subconscious money blocks and healing my relationship with myself.

It became apparent that I was carrying hundreds of years of ancestral money wounds and money related limiting beliefs that came from my Lithuanian upbringing. I started addressing these blocks through coaching, journaling, meditations, affirmations, inner child healing, and a gazillion of other ways.

I quickly realized it wasn’t as much about the money beliefs. It was about me and my relationship with myself.

It was about my sense of worthiness, my self esteem, the value I bring and how much I honor myself and my work. It was about my capacity to receive greatness and allow money in. It was about how comfortable I was to be paid for being me.

It was about how much I trusted myself and the universe that I’ll be more than taken care of, I’ll thrive like no one ever did in my entire family history without having to suffer, sacrifice or compromise. It was about giving myself permission to fasten my seatbelt and enjoy the flight.

It was about how safe I felt to be recognized and rewarded. How comfortable I felt being truly seen. How vulnerable I was willing to be. How eager I was to shine fully and brightly. How ready I was to own my power, my gifts and my essence without dimming it in any way.

That’s when it really hit me. My relationships with myself and money were so intertwined and distorted that it was affecting the way I showed up in my work and even how I experienced life altogether.

I realized I wasn’t enjoying what I did as much as I wanted to. I didn’t enjoy writing and showing up on social media as I thought I did. I didn’t allow myself to fully relax and have fun even when I took time to rest.

My business became a chore, just like the corporate career which I so proudly left. I had recreated the exact same prison in my own business where the only person deciding what and how I did everything was ME! 🤯

I lived out of obligation which I unknowingly re-created from my past.

This realization had not fully dawned on me at first, so I tried something yet again, thinking it would be the solution to my woes. I shifted gears and decided to focus on working with a different type of client, speaking to a different persona in my content, being in a space that seemed more appealing to me. And it worked! For a while. I was excited! On the surface. I genuinely enjoyed working with these brilliant souls. But.

I continued feeling unfulfilled in my core. It felt like I was betraying myself. I was avoiding every other aspect of my business except the actual coaching sessions. I resented opening any social apps all day everyday. I procrastinated responding to enquiries and potential clients. I was bored. Creation felt hard. I forgot how it felt to be in flow.

Obligation took over. And it killed my soul.

Here’s the truth - the obligation to make money (which was, in fact, a survival mechanism) sucked my soul out of almost every attempt to show up, create, and share my gifts with the world. Whatever I was creating didn’t come from a place of pure giving. It came from a place of neediness. Neediness to earn a living and be safe. Those broken money stories penetrated through my entire life.

Obviously, my soul begged me to change. It deeply desired to be in full integrity and alignment, and lead by example without any masks. So I listened.

Unapologetically Claiming My Self-Worth

That’s when I decided to stop showing up altogether and figure out what to do next. I took time off to sit in stillness, reflect, contemplate, discuss. And I finally understood - my role on this planet has nothing to do with making a living this old, mechanical, transactional way. I’m meant to create magic my own way by:

1) only emerging from pure inspiration and love;

2) embodying the relaxed and excited creator (aka business owner);

3) leading others through their own unique blueprint of life, business, and creation. But this time - truly!

The conundrum was - HOW the hell do I do this?! How do I let go of all the obligations and compulsions of doing things for the sake of doing, acting to tick the boxes, creating from emptiness, showing up from neediness? How do I unlearn taking action because I think I have to? How do I get rid of the fear whether doing things differently will really bring the fruits I desire to reap? How do I stop feeling guilty when I give myself some rest?

It was a bumpy and tedious road of trial and error, full of long and painful conversations and releases. But I knew I was onto something. Something that thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world face - letting go of what doesn’t fully align with their souls even if that means being inconsistent or doing their magic in ways no one seems to understand.

I married creation with a vow to always stay in integrity because my soul, clients, and audience deserve nothing but the best.

Ultimately, it came down to this: a promise to myself to never again act out of obligation, and a firm inner decision to succeed on my own terms, no matter what. This was a recommitment to my soul, echoing the pledge I made back in 2019. I knew I had to constantly remind myself that I am taken care of, and that the universe supports me unconditionally.

Shortly after setting this truth as the new standard, life mirrored back and provided me with confirmations that life was always meant to be lived in this fun, joyful and effortless way. I finally arrived to the place I had known possible which validated my initial conviction - there's no need to "earn" abundance, I can receive whatever I desire once I simply allow it without any narratives of proving myself, people pleasing, fighting for my wellbeing, or anything of the sort.

It was pretty damn uncomfortable to give myself permission to slow down and receive the abundance that was flowing my way, something I unconsciously blocked for years.

And slowly but surely I started falling in love with my business again, feeling inspired to create and BE my business, instead of separating myself from it.

Today I AM my business, instead of running it. There is no need to run anywhere any longer. I have finally arrived.

Permission To Do It Your Way

Now, back at You.

This is your invitation to truly live in alignment with your soul’s plan - to commit to doing only what you feel excited and inspired to do, as that is your gateway to greatness in business and life.

This is an invitation to build a thriving environment for yourself, so your business can thrive with you and within you.

Giving yourself permission to do your thing in your own unique way unlocks the door to abundance as you receive when you allow, and you allow when you let go of the ways which no longer serve you, creating space for that which belongs in your reality.

Your new reality has a completely different structure. The one which fully supports and gracefully holds your deepest desires without any force or pressure. The one where you are seen, heard, recognized, and rewarded, not for who you force or prove yourself to be, but for who you truly are.

Take the time to clear out and transform all obligations into inspiration, and create an unshakable foundation built on your integrity and personal values. Such a business doesn't just thrive for years to come, you also deeply enjoy the journey while chasing your wildest dreams.

Where you create from determines your reality.

Much love,



Passion Business Accelerator 1:1 mentorship:

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The Homecoming: A Journey Back to Your Soul